Wednesday 2 September 2009

The Room - all glory to Tommy Wiseau!

I have now seen The Room in all its jaw-dropping brilliance three times and I feel I must recommend it here. I cannot begin to describe just how bad this film is. You just couldn't make a film this bad if you tried and this is integral to its genius. Seriously, at any given nanosecond you are torn into a thousand atoms trying to establish if *anything* is correct with the scene you are watching. There is not a section of the movie-making process that is correct. From the editing, directing, acting, writing, lighting, set, music, cuts, plot, costumes everything is gloriously, wonderfully wrong. It is little wonder that it is a cult film.

The first time I saw The Room, I spent the entire film with my jaw open struggling desperately to work out what was going on [1]. As the glorious travesty unfurled I found that every time I managed to just about establish what the intended plot was, I was struck lightening like by yet another stand-alone piece of continuity/lighting/acting/directing error. I laughed only when I could, for there was not space to breathe and assess the next moment of filmic confusion and arrogance.

The Room requires at least 2 watchings for it is almost impossible to form a heckle whilst digesting the next onslaught of stunning failure. Of course some bits are more painful that others. Why are footballs only thrown 3ft? Why must we have so many sex scenes that last the length of the soft-rock soundtrack? Why is Johnny humping his girlfriend's hip? Why does everyone keep turning up and walking in and out again? What happened to the drugs/drug money? Who was the psychologist? Where the hell was Johnny from? What about the cancer? And the baby? Spoon! Johnny is Christ getting a blow job? What is wrong with Denny? What happened to the very specific pizza? Why doesn't Denny use a chair? Why are they wearing tuxes? The questions, like The Room 's panning shots across San Francisco will never end. Nor should they. Watch this film, it's good for your soul.

Brickyard jimmy says it all better than I ever could.

[1] In fact a friend, during his first viewing was forced to split one character into two to try and aid his comprehension of what-was-going-on.


  1. Yes you do. I so need to watch it again. I've currently only seen it once so haven't yet had the opportunity to properly heckle.

  2. I believe 'the room' parties are something of a cult. You have to provide spoons and the right type of pizza though.
