Tuesday 18 August 2009

Zombie outbreak mathematically modelled

A Canadian group of researchers has scientifically analysed the living's chances against a zombie horde. They made some interesting assumptions to do this, especially that Zombies would be the slow moving stupid kind, would only want human flesh and the timescale of the outbreak would be short. This may irritate survivalists who have prepared their well armed rec-rooms with enough microwave meals and ammo for several years. The paper then compares the spread of zombies as a mathematical model is to the spread of ideas and political parties. Does this mean that if you run fast enough from a new idea or hit any sign of 'infection' with a big bat, you can save humanity from it? Well that didn't work so well for the Spanish Inquisition but it's a damn shame my pacifistic nature disallows me from trying it on the BNP. I can see it now, last known non-fascist, anti racists hole up in the Trafford Centre to face off the hordes of BNP supporteers with nothing but golf clubs and fabulous shoes from Selfridges.
pdf of research

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